Cupcakes, Maybe Cookies? [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Saint of Slateport
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Outside Ballonlea
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
Cupcakes, Maybe Cookies? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2020 4:46:35 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Ruby had to admit, the sheer premise of what they were about to do was quite fun. The cute little cottage she was renting for the night just outside of Slateport had a rather lovely kitchen, and that inspired the whole idea. Elise said one of her favorite activities was baking, and if she was being honest Ruby was simply eager to spend some time with them.

She and Darling had spent the entire morning shopping at the local grocery store for supplies in preparation for now. Whisper had joined her for a bit, but the moment Ruby realized the music they were playing in the store was starting to infuriate the silent Pokemon she was swiftly returned to the relative peace and quiet of her Pokeball. Sitting at the counter, Ruby quickly double-checked all the things they had purchased.

However, before she could fully start marking off her checklist a second time there was a knocking at her door. "She's here!" Ruby immediately leaped off her stool, leaving Darling in the kitchen standing atop of a chair to even be able to see the top of the counter.

Fleeing to the front door, Ruby quickly let out a nervous breath as she brushed down her skirt. It was one thing to hang out with someone, she had done it all the time back home, but to hang out with someone after a speed date where you met them? It felt very, very different and she couldn't help but blush even as she opened up the door.

"H-hey! I hope you found the place okay, I had trouble even finding the place before I stayed the night last night."

Notes: Mission

[attr="class","merktagI"] @tea

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Cupcakes, Maybe Cookies? [M]
POSTED ON Feb 29, 2020 0:16:01 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Elise moved down the path with a spring in her step, a shopping bag swinging from her hand. She checked the directions one more time, making sure she was going the right way. She was nearly bursting with excitement at the prospect of getting to bake with Ruby after her speed date with the cute girl. After walking for a few minutes she spotted a cottage a short way off the path, partially hidden by it's surroundings.

After double-checking that she was in the right place, Elise studied the cottage in front of her. She definitely appreciated Ruby's taste in lodgings, the place was cute. She paced in front of the cottage, trying to psych herself up. Now that she was here, the nerves from their last meeting had returned. It's fine, just go!

She marched up to the door and knocked, willing herself to stay calm. When a nervous-looking blushy Ruby opened the door, she couldn't help but blush as well. Elise grinned at the other girl and held up the shopping bag cheerfully.

"Hey there! I found it just fine, thanks to your directions! I know you said you'd do the shopping, but I brought some stuff anyway. Hope you don't mind."

notes: Ruby is so cute <3 Sorry for any mistakes I am on much medicine right now. All hail spell checker
[attr="class","wizzcred"]☼ code by wizz

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